Friday, August 24, 2018

QUITO Ecuador, The second Highest capital of the world

UFF!!! Finally made it, breathless but made it.

Yeah we´re at  9,000 ft asl.
Breathless but it is very much  worth  it.

Quito  is the capital  of  Ecuador and  is  both  a modern  city  and has  a colonnial area.
Let´s talk about the Colonnial part.
There  are many  narrow streets with  gorgeous old  houses everywhere, actually   going there without  a camera could  be considered  a sin.  And going  with,  means  bring  a large  memory card  for  your camera.
There are many  GORGEOUS  churches once you visit one  you  that´s the most  beautiful ( only  to  find  one even  better on the next  one  and  so  on  so  forth.
Quito  as we  mantioned before is the capital  of Ecuador therefore  the Government  Palace (president´s  house/office) is there toi  visit  too.

There are many historical  sites to visit  on every  street on every  corner a new  surprise will  await you.
Among the  beautiful  churches  there are for example: SANTO  DOMINGO ( Saint Dominic)
 Some parts of this  church seem to  be a painting... But no, We actually walk through these aisles.

 This is  MARISCAL ANTONIO JOSÉ de SUCRE ( Simón Bolivar´s  right hand) The actual  leader  of the final battles for  Ecuador´s independence.  Yes, Ecuador´s  independence begun a year a half earlier and  in Guayaquil, but this is an  important general  nonetheless.

 Yeah  the  moon  was  walking with us that  morning
An example  of  the gorgeous  narrow  streets of Quito with  "LA VIRGEN  DEL  PANECILLO" in the background.
Next stop  that day  was THE CHURCH  OF SAN FRANCISCO.
Let´s remember  that the actual full name of the city is SAN FRANCISCO DE QUITO.
This church was built  right  at  the mountain  slope, ( when  you  walk in you can  indeed see  and feel as  you  walk  through the central aisle)
 Below  a view  of IGLESIA DE LA COMPAÑIA DE JESUS ( next stop) as seen  from SAN FRANCISCO
 Plaza de San Francisco,  used to be a market where all  the indigenous peoples  met  and  trade

 San francu¡isco  is the largest church  complex  of the city. the is the main church  a chapel  and a museum .
When  visiting this church  you  will  learn  about the traditions, of old and the spanish  conquest.
Nope, I´m not spoiling the surprise here.
Yes, you will  learn about Francisco  Cantuña the builder  of  this  church who  supposedly made a pact  with  the devil  to  help  him  finish  the church  in  time.
The legend  says  that  once Cantuña saw that the little devils  sent  by Lucifer to  accomplish  the task where about to finish and wanting to save his soul he hid one stone under his poncho.
When  the church  was finished the devil  came to collect  Francisco Cantuña´s soul. Only to  learn  that  the church  was not  totally  built  one stone  at  the atrium  was missing....

Our promanade  will  take us  next  to  IGLESIA  DE LA COMPAÑÍA DE JESUS.
but  before  let´s admire  a little bit  more of SAN FRANCISCO´s inside.

 walking towards La Compañía, the onmipresent  VIRGEN DEL  PANECILLO looks over us.

 As we  turn  around the orner  towards  LA COMPAÑIA we found this interesting  character.
Inthe late 70s and 80s there was a Mexican sitcom named EL CHAVO DEL OCHO
it was a comedy about a poor orphan boy who lived in a little group of houses  that  shared a common inner yard.
This man dressed as  El Chavo (in Mexico Chavo stands  for "kid"). Let us get  a photo along with him.

 Right next to LA COMPAÑÍA there is  Edificio del Banco Central .
 Oh! cool!!!

 That looks pretty!!
 Wow!!! yeah let´s
Yes we visited  this gorgeous  church.

But ALAS for some reason they  do not  allow cameras on the inside  of this church..
Idiotic?  yeah,  I agree but  that  is the way  it  is.
The inside  is  gorgeous,  I´ve been  there many  times  still  don´t  understand why  they  do  not  allow  caemras on the inside  of this place.
So, shall  we continue  walking? well  you  can  climg  to  the dome of this church  and once on the top  you  may  take some pictures. Of the outside  

 Yeah,  I had to  at  least  try to steal one inside photo.  Not  much

 A view  of BASILICA DEL VOTO NACIONAL from the Domes of La Compañía

Now towards PLAZA MAYOR.

On our way  to Plaza de Independencia. We pass by
IGLESIA DEL SAGRARIO. (by-passed by many) but what a jewel this is...

At the corner of Plaza mayor there a cultural  center.
Where there was a Yoko Ono exhibit.

 This was an event that was conmemorating the killing of the participants of the flawed attempt of Independence on August 10th 1809. Most of them  were  murdered  on august  2nd 1810.
In short:
There was a revolt  on that  day,  the people in Quito were  protesting  for the incarceration of the leaders  of  last year´s attempt of independence, and planned to  attack on three fronts. The General  Headquarters, the quarters of Santa Fé  and El Presidio.
The people  in Quito attacked two but  for some reason the group  in charge attacking the Santa Fe quarters did not,  that situation gave a chance to the spaniards  to  regroup and fight back.
And as a payback  for threvolt  the leaders of the revolt  were  murdered in the  prison  cells.

Finally at PLAZA MAYOR.
Right in the middle of this Plaza there is  a magnificent monument with a magnificent Column .

I cannot keep  forward  without being totally honest  with  Ecuador´s history.

The plaque above is in the before mentioned in the middle of the Plaza, it is located on the west side of the column. 
And on it, you can clearly read  that  the "heroes" of august 10th  1809 were pledging fealty  to  The King of Spain (Fernando VII ) This is written  in the final  two  lines of the first  paragraph..
A little below  the central part  of the plaque they  continue saying  that  "el  presidente"  will pledge  at  the cathedral  solemn oath  of obedience and loyalty to  his magesty  the king of Spain.


 Quito Luz de América, is one more of the names they  give to  this city.


The basilica is conformed by a central nave, two smaller naves and 24 lateral chapels dedicated to the provinces of the country. The building consists of two main sections, a main nave dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, consecration made on March 25, 1874 under the government of President Gabriel Garcia Moreno, and a smaller one located immediately after the first, also with a plant of Latin cross and dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Mary, consecration made on April 8, 1892 under the government of Luis Cordero Crespo.

Although decorative details are still lacking, it can be said that the structure, as we know it today, was completed in 1924, when the masses began to be officiated in the central nave and to ring the bells of the towers. Certain popular beliefs that the day on which the basilica is finished it will be the end the world or, in its case, the Ecuador would disappear as a free and sovereign State. ( trying to imitate La sagrada Familia In Barcelona? )

 looking South with LA VIRGEN DEL PANECILLO behind me.

Gettin´ across to the belltower
Now on the north side looking south-west

Still climbing up. until we reach 345 ft above the ground!!!

So, Where am I?

Way up there!!!!

345 ft high!!

The Basilica of the National Vow is the most important work of the Neo-Gothic architecture of Ecuador and one of the most representative of the American continent, it is then the largest in the new world.

 The central nave is 420 feet long by 105 feet wide and 9 feet tall; in addition to 22 feet high on the cruise. The two frontal towers are 345 feet high each, a detail that makes the Basilica the second highest religious structure in the American continent, just behind the Cathedral of Maringá in Brazil (372 ft), in addition to the highest structure of the city of Quito Metrolitan District.

Off we go now ( on this particular tour) To the MITAD DEL MUNDO

(There two pints to visit there at Mitad del Mundo) THE INTIÑAN MUSEUM this place has the particularity of being located in the actual equatorial line.
There are a series of experiments that can be done when visiting this place.
There is also an anthropological exhibit of the peoples of the jungle.
Such as the headshrinking tradition by the SHUAR people, TZANTZA ( some author spell this with an "S")
 After  beating a rival . They  cut  his head off.

2.- Then  they  remove  the  skull

The head is boiled and it  reduces its size.
They seal  the mouth in order to  prevent  the spirit to come out.
 5.- They  stuff the empty  head  with  a stone
 6.- The trophy  is  proudly  hung  on the warrior´s  neck.


Some of the vegetation of the museum, and there is BIRDWATCHING here too!!

 Now to  the inside of the houses  of the people  in the jungle

 Several  families share this space ,  sleeping in hammocks

Now let´s visit the actual EQUATORIAL LINE!!!


 ANOTHER  SOLAR  CLOCK,  Quite accurate as you can see here.

Coriolis effect.
Here, we are invited to learn about the coriolis effect
The Coriolis force is a fictitious force that appears when a body is moving with respect to a rotating system and its movement is described in that referential. The Coriolis force is different from the centrifugal force. The Coriolis force is always perpendicular to the direction of the axis of rotation of the system and to the direction of movement of the body seen from the system in rotation. The Coriolis force has two components:

a tangential component, due to the radial component of body movement, and
a radial component, due to the tangential component of body movement.

Now to the famous MITAD DEL MUNDO MONUMENT ( located approximately 250 yards south from the actual equatorial line)

 To the keen  observer: This photo is taken from the top  of the monument the equator according  to  it is aligned  with  the gate clerly  seen  below,  but  if you  direct your attention  to  the  hill  in the background... you  will  see a post a bit to the left.. Do you see it? WELL  THAT  IS THE ACTUAL  EQUATOR as you can now see  approximately 250  yards away. 

That is for now!!!!

See you soon!


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